TCRS Press Releases

January 24, 2013
Low- to Moderate-Income Taxpayers May Be Missing Out on Retirement Savings Contributions Credit (Saver’s Credit)
Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies® Offers Tips on How to Claim the Tax Credit

November 14, 2012
Weathering the Economic Storm: Retirement Plans in the United States, 2007‐2012
Transamerica Study Reveals Resilient Retirement Benefits and Continued Employer, and Worker Commitment to Retirement Security

July 18, 2012
The Cracked Nest Egg: The Retirement Outlook of Unemployed American Workers

Transamerica Study Reveals a Severe Long‐Term Impact Unless Action is Taken

May 16, 2012
Transamerica Study Shows American Workers Shifting Expectations of Retirement, Reveals Need to Redefine 'Retirement Readiness'
American Workers Plan to Keep Working Past Age 65

January 19, 2012
Few Low-to-Middle Income Taxpayers Aware They Qualify for Retirement Savings Tax Credit
Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies® finds many American workers may be missing out on a valuable tax credit

January 10, 2012
Transamerica Study Reveals Women Don't Talk Enough About Retirement
Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies® Explores Actionable Approaches for Women to Better Engage and Successfully Prepare for Retirement

October 24, 2011
Amid Gloomy Economic Outlook, Transamerica Study Finds Source of Inspiration: Future Early Retirees
Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies® Explores the Characteristics of Workers Who Plan to Retire Before Age 65

July 12, 2011
Transamerica Study Finds Rising Employer Confidence is Translating into a Renewed Commitment to Retirement Benefits
Smaller Employers Continue to Struggle to Provide Benefits and Educational Tools in Comparison to Larger Counterparts

June 22, 2011
Transamerica Study Illuminates Severe Impact of Unemployment on Displaced Workers' Retirement Outlook
Offers Recommendations to Improve Long-Term Prospects

May 17, 2011
Transamerica Study Reveals the New Retirement: Working
Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies® Finds Significant Number of Americans Plan to Never Retire, yet are Unprepared if the Choice is Made for Them

August 19, 2009
Employers Reluctant to Cut Retirement Benefits in Difficult Economy
Employer Acceptance of Investment Advice and Auto-Enrollment also Revealed in Tenth Annual Transamerica Retirement Survey

June 19, 2009
Study Illuminates 401(k) Participants' Preferences for Fee Disclosures
10th Annual Transamerica Retirement Survey Reveals Opportunities to Increase Awareness of Fees

April 14, 2009
Keeping the Faith: Americans Still Committed to Retirement Savings
New Transamerica Retirement Survey Underscores Importance of Retirement Plans, Even in a Difficult Economy

October 9, 2008
Americans Look to Next Administration for Help in Achieving a Financially Secure Retirement
New Transamerica Retirement Survey reveals significant drop in retirement confidence during the past year

February 28, 2008
Economy Casts Dark Shadow Over Retirement Confidence
Ninth Annual Transamerica Retirement Survey reveals the economy's impact on Americans' ability to save for retirement

September 17, 2008
Single Women are in Peril of Achieving a Financially Secure Retirement
Stark Realities Uncovered by the Ninth Annual Transamerica Retirement Survey

March 12, 2008
Few Americans Aware of Retirement "Saver's Credit"
Transamerica Center applauds IRS efforts to generate awareness and increase use

September 24, 2007
Women Still Struggling with Saving for Retirement
Results of the Annual Transamerica Survey Highlights Issues and Opportunities

April 30, 2007
Small Business Employees Significantly Trail Their Large Company Counterparts in Retirement Savings and Preparedness
Annual Transamerica Retirement Survey Highlights Major Difference in How Large and Small Employers and Employees Treat Retirement Benefits

February 6, 2007
Lack of Communication Between Employers and Their Employees Threatens Future Retirement Security1
Annual Transamerica Retirement Survey Shows Major Disconnect in the Workplace

December 2, 2005
Transamerica Survey Shows Significant Changes in the Retirement Attitudes and Behaviors of Workers and Employers
National Debate on Social Security Stimulates Increased Savings, Propelling Retirement Benefits as Number One Recruiting Tool

December 16, 2004
Transamerica Survey Shows Small Business Equals Smaller Retirement Savings for Many
U.S. Workers Say Retirement Benefits Crucial, But Many Small Business Employers Still Not Getting the Message


The Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies® ("The Center") is a non-profit corporation and private foundation. The Center is funded by contributions from Transamerica Life Insurance Company and its affiliates and may receive funds from unaffiliated third-parties.

The Center and its representatives cannot give ERISA, tax, investment or legal advice. This material is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as ERISA, tax, investment or legal advice. Interested parties must consult and rely solely upon their own independent advisors regarding their particular situation and the concepts presented here. Although care has been taken in preparing this material and presenting it accurately, The Center disclaims any express or implied warranty as to the accuracy of any material contained herein and any liability with respect to it.